Farmbox is a mobile and desktop application designed to help farmers produce more while polluting less.
Farms have a hectic day-to-day with many operations happening at the same time. Tracking all this data is core to making better decisions on how you should operate in the future.
When it's not only quick and easy to input your data, but it's also helpful for doing better work, using an app is no problem. Visual experiences play a huge role on making sure that everyone ✨e n j o y s✨ using the app.
We always start nudging the user into good experiences in the app, but sometimes all that is gonna save us are well designed ⚠️ Warnings!
Managing warning blindness while being the most helpful was a key challenge to making it right.
A birds eye view that you could never have on the fields.
Independent from the pesticide and GM soy industry. Everytime Farmbox helps a farmer wait on spraying application, it's one less.
Every drop counts.
Combination of Google Maps, HighCharts→ and custom visualizations.
Different dashboards share the same charts, but you you’ll never need to read a label to remember what it is.
Every finding, every picture has a location. We've made it possible for you to see it.
Farmbox is built for sharing with you colleagues, your boss and your clients.
Farmbox engages!
4% yearly churn after first year, since we formed the product team.
Farmbox is big.
More than 1.000.000 hectares being monitored using Farmbox in Brazil.
Yasmin Boemeke →
Ivan Neto →
Brauner Megda →
Josie Castanheira →
You can learn more about it on →
With Farmbox success our team needed a sure way to stay consistent and ship faster.
A chance to create responsive and accessible Farmbox for everyone.
Learn more about soil →
Email: →
Linkedin: Pedro Laguna da Rosa →
Twitter: @pdrlaguna →