How could I help small content creators (like myself) to distribute content as many times as possible, but building it only once?
Making a single piece of content that becomes many instagram posts, stories, carousel, short videos, short video with the stories format - anything would go!
A design system begins with good design.
Approaching every brand asset as a design token, considering every manifestation of a brand (every text style, every color, every image treatment, image mask - everything!) as a component, I built a design library on Figma.
For every original content format I built a different Google Form that reflects the assets that type of content can produce. A podcast would be broken down into its text from the scripts, audio for videos and the form would ask for any extra images that would may be necessary.
A podcast has a script and an audio file: everything goes into a form to be treated behind the curtains.
The hardest part is creating great content. You'd still need content strategy and well defined editorial lines. That is just a hack to generate all the visual assets for it.
One click and you can generate as many variations as you create.
All design budget now is only spent creating new types of content, but never generating variations on existing ones. As a bonus, every update on branding is reflected instantly in all assets.
The more templates and content type created inside the system, the bigger the possibilities of content to be generated every time.
From video overlays, instagram posts and much more, it's a different approach to a design system for generating social media assets.
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Linkedin: Pedro Laguna da Rosa →
Twitter: @pdrlaguna →