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Pedro Laguna

UX & Product Designer

About Me

I'm a designer and creative consultant for about 10 years now, always believing in the strenght of design as a platform for powerful bonds between users and products. I'm interested in finding agile and high productive teams where I can combine my experience with strategy and communication with all the expertise that I've gathered working as a digital designer, so we could create products and experiences that have a real impact on brands and costumers.

Recent Work

Some relevant projects that I was a part of in 2015

  • Product Design
  • Wireframing
  • Responsive

Rio 2016

Bringing the olympic flame to the hands of everyone

I was asked to support the team to create the user experience and strategy behind the whole olympic torch presentation to the world - as well as creating the campaign that would select brazilians to carry the torch through the country. I've worked together with the design and development teams at AG2 Nurun in creating the olympic torch's hotsite, the content and campaign managers as well as the mechanics of the whole campaign.

  • Product Design
  • Wireframing
  • Responsive


Transforming the banking experience in every platform

I've managed Bradesco's Internet Baking project and brought usability and experience fundamentals to every platform the banks uses nowadays. Translating visually and creating prototypes of their business needs, always focusing in user conversion and user experience.

  • Product Design
  • Wireframing
  • Responsive


Real sales impact in presenting new products

Latin America Michelin had great plans for 2015: bring to Brazil all their products in the segments that they were already working in the rest of the world. I designed and developed applications and websites for products, promotional campaigns, partnerships and portals for countries like Brazil, Colômbia and Argentina.


Between other clients that I was fortunate to work in the past couple of years:

Let's work together!

I'm open for new projects. If you're looking for awesome design with great usability, send an email to


and I'll answer as soon as possible!